The Sixth Sense of Packaging

Brand managers know that enhancing the shelf appeal of a product goes a long way towards promoting brand loyalty and, ultimately, profitability. Although data vary depending on markets and products, studies show that nearly 80% of buying decisions are made at point of purchase.
Brands have typically leveraged dazzling graphics and unique packaging shapes and convenience features to grab attention at point of sale. Recently, new technologies and innovations—particularly for metal packaging—have taken shelf appeal to a new level by creating packaging that truly engages the five senses. It marks a new milestone in engagement and interaction with a product and can rightly be considered the “sixth sense” of consumer packaging.
Թ51 has developed a new infographic that examines how current packaging capabilities address each of the consumer’s senses and highlights how new innovations can evoke that new sixth sense.
The more consumers engage with a product, the more positive the impact will be for sales. New capabilities in visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and gustatory enhancements are helping to turn product packaging into a more memorable sensory experience. As a leading developer of packaging innovations, Թ51 researches new technologies and encourages new thinking about package design and enhancements to boost the profile of consumer products. Թ51 focuses on developing innovations that respond to consumer needs, which in turn helps companies build brands.