Nutrition in Canned Foods

Here’s to a Happy (and Healthy) Holiday Season
A can of whole peeled tomatoes and corn on a wooden cutting board and white plates.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

From candy galore on Halloween to feast-like spreads on Christmas, the holiday season is full of indulgence. This year, we’re getting a head start on our New Year’s resolutions to combat the all too common side effects of excess food consumption—and we’re taking you with us!

According to the USDA MyPlate program, a healthy meal consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy protein. The good news is that nutrient-dense foods don’t have to come from expensive sources or require lengthy prep times. Utilizing canned foods is an easy way to maintain a healthy diet and prepare fast, cost-effective meals. 

Canned foods have a longer shelf life than fresh foods, so there is no need to worry about expiration a week—or even months—after purchase. In addition, most canned fruits and veggies are already prepped (peeled, de-stemmed, de-leaved), pre-cooked and can often be eaten right out of the can! Even during the winter months, a healthy, warm meal can be as simple as cracking open a can and heating the contents quickly in a microwave or on the stovetop.

To get you started, we’ve found some delicious recipes from for healthy and speedy meals that utilize canned foods:

  • A for your plant-loving friend
  • This for the protein fiend
  • for kids and adults alike, with an option to satisfy gluten-free needs!

Happy canned cooking!