Let's Celebrate National Canned Food Month!

canned salmon and vegetables
Friday, February 16, 2018

February marks National Canned Food Month. If this is news to you, don’t fret: there are many ways you can still celebrate! Check out a few of our recommendations:

  1. Take an inventory of your pantry

Metal food cans are recognized for their unrivaled ability to extend a product’s shelf life, as they are hermetically sealed to prevent contamination from unwanted microorganisms. In fact, canned foods retain their peak quality for approximately two years after being purchased. By scanning through your pantry, you might find that you’re missing a staple ingredient that’s necessary for an upcoming recipe or that it’s time to utilize an item that is close to expiration.

  1. Create a homemade meal that’s sure to please

In addition to extending product shelf life, food cans provide for added convenience, as they eliminate extra time needed for meal preparation. Over 1,500 foods are available in cans, and recipe options for maximizing not one but several canned food items are endless. For inspiration, check out Cans Get You Cooking’s “Cantry” recipes: . In addition, you can also rest assured that the package format is fully recyclable after use.

  1. Donate to your local food bank

Did you know that 41 million people struggle with hunger in the United States?[1] Canned foods can help. Canned foods that are not dented or expired serve as an ideal donation to local organizations or to food banks because they are easy to transport, effectively preserve the quality of the food for an extended period of time and maintain the nutritional value of the foods they contain. According to FeedingAmerica.org, there are serving the United States.

How will you celebrate National Canned Food Month?

